CDL Specialists ELDT Training

Serving the
Central Indiana area!

Welcome to our website. Currenlty we are in a re-design stage of our website. Please be patient with us as we work on getting a new and improved website created to better your experience.

Training not only ELDT required individuals, but we also do re-fresher courses for those that are not required to go through ELDT training. 

Contact Us

Email is the best option at this time for communication. However, you are more than welcome to contact us via phone as well.

E-mail your questions or inquiries to

Phone: (317) 420-5600 
Leave us a detailed message and we will return your call as soon as possible. 


Driver certification information will include:


Registered Training Partner with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) Training Provider Registry (TPR).

Only training providers listed on the Training Provider Registry can certify that a driver has successfully completed the required entry-level driver training.

After a driver successfully passes the required assessments, the training provider will electronically submit the driver-trainee’s certification information to the Training Provider Registry.